Buồng Ion Hóa
Bộ Thu Faraday
Beamline Components
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Buồng Ion Hóa
Máy Dò Dải Phim Mỏng - X/Y projection electrode strips for determining beam shape and position.
BPM16-38 - Máy Giám Sát Vị Trí Tia Gantry Tương Thích Với Phòng Ion Hóa Dạng Sọc IC128-25 - Máy Giám Sát Truyền Dải 128x128 với Buồng Ion và Mặt Phẳng Liều IC16-5 - 16x16 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC256-45 - 256 Strip QC Ion Chamber IC32-6 - 32x32 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC64-13 - 64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC64-16SG - 64 Strip Transmission Small Gap IC for Flash Therapy IC64-6 - 64x64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber Quadrant Detectors - Four electrodes provide fast and reliable beam position monitoring.
QIC-2S - Mini Quadrant Ion Chamber QIC-6E - Ultra-low WET Quadrant Transmission Ionization Chamber Pixelated Detectors - Extremely fine pitch electrode pixels allow for true 2D beam imaging.
PX-2 - 120 Pixel Ion Chamber PX-3 - 120 Pixel Transmission Ion Chamber Bộ Thu Faraday
BC-145 - Large Faraday Cup Collector for Scanned Beam Particle Therapy QA BC-75 - Ly Faraday Lõi Rắn cho Hạt Có Sạc MLFC-128 - Multi-Layer Faraday Collector for Particle Energy Measurement Beamline Components
ACI - Accelerator Control Interface FS-78 - Fast Beam Shutter HC80 - Beampath Helium Flow Controller ICI - Interlock Control Interface N2400 - 24x Pneumatic Actuator Controller VWIN - High-Performance Vacuum Windows for Particle Beamlines X32 - IECO Amplifier Interface Điện kế
Current Measurement - Measure instantaneous current.
F100 - Digital Electrometer with HV Power Supply F460 - 4 Channel Precision Electrometer with High Voltage FX4 - High-speed Quad-channel Precision Electrometer Charge Measurement - Measure accumulated charge.
I128 - 128 Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I3200 - 32-Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I400 - 4 Channel Biased Input Charge Integrating Electrometer I404 - 4 Channel Charge Integrating Digital Electrometer IC101 - Precision Charge Integrator Electrometer Digital with High Voltage IX256 - 256-Channel Charge Integrating Electrometer with HV Power Supply Đếm Xung
Amplifiers - High performance pre-amplifiers and pulse shapers.
$730CP15 - DC-Coupled Pulse Pre-amplifier for Lanthanum Halide and Sodium Iodide Detectors $1,235CR10 - Spectroscopy Amplifier for Charge Sensitive Pulse Shaping Counters - High-speed pulse-height discriminated counters for nuclear instrumentation.
C400 - 4-Channel High-speed Pulse Discriminator and Counter CM100 - Particle Therapy Control Console Từ học
Electromagnets - Specialized magnets for particle beams.
D2-100-FC - AC High-speed Ferrite Core XY Trim Magnet D2-650-IE - High-speed Pencil Beam X/Y Scanning Magnet O1-500 - Octopole Compact Scanning Magnet for Particle Therapy Gaussmeters - Ultra high-end gaussmeters.
H20 - Dual Magnetic Field Probe System $2,500T1 - Máy đo Công nghiệp Gauss và Đầu đo Từ trường tích hợp REST API Mục Đích Chung
Fiber Optics - Fiber optic converters and logic.
$300TF1 - Bộ Chuyển Đổi TTL sang Quang Học Tự Cấp Điện X14 - 1:4 Fiber-Optic Trigger Fanout $490X22 - Bộ Chuyển Đổi Song Phương TTL sang Quang Học Multifunction I/O - Analog and digital I/O boxes.
M10 - 2x Analog 4x Digital GPIO M40 - 16x Analog 16x Digital GPIO Precision High Voltage - Precision high voltage power supplies and complimentary products.
HVI-4 - Bias Voltage Interlock Unit Loop Controllers - Optical control system PLCs.
A360 - Fiber-Optic Loop Controller A560 - Real-Time Loop Controller Q580 - High Speed Real-Time Loop Controller Phụ Kiện
Cables - Cables specialized for Pyramid devices.
ACAB-USB-XX-RS232 - USB to RS232 Adapter Cable CAB-HD44 - Low Noise 44-way D-Sub Cables for Precise Ion Chamber Readout Power Supplies - Power distribution and management.
PD-8 - Eight Output 24V DC Power Supply Unit $60PSU24 - 24V DC Power Supply Pack Other Products
RCK-X3 - 2U 19-Inch Rack Shelf for Up to 3 "X" Devices $85SK-DES - Ion Chamber Desiccant Replacement Pack $85TERM-64 - Multichannel Ionization Chamber Termination Block SOFTWARE
CM100 Validator - The CM100 Validator Tool is Used When Modifying the Configuration G1 Diagnostic - Monitor and Control G1 Devices G2 Diagnostic - Monitor and Control Devices IG2 - Configurable EPICS channel access server for G2 and G1 devices IGX - Modern Modular Control System Framework for Web-enabled Applications PBA - Analyze Beam Energy and Range PTCEpicsConnect - A tool for viewing EPICS channels BPM16-38 - Máy Giám Sát Vị Trí Tia Gantry Tương Thích Với Phòng Ion Hóa Dạng Sọc IC128-25 - Máy Giám Sát Truyền Dải 128x128 với Buồng Ion và Mặt Phẳng Liều IC16-5 - 16x16 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC256-45 - 256 Strip QC Ion Chamber IC32-6 - 32x32 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC64-13 - 64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC64-16SG - 64 Strip Transmission Small Gap IC for Flash Therapy IC64-6 - 64x64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber PX-2 - 120 Pixel Ion Chamber PX-3 - 120 Pixel Transmission Ion Chamber QIC-2S - Mini Quadrant Ion Chamber QIC-6E - Ultra-low WET Quadrant Transmission Ionization Chamber BC-145 - Large Faraday Cup Collector for Scanned Beam Particle Therapy QA BC-75 - Ly Faraday Lõi Rắn cho Hạt Có Sạc MLFC-128 - Multi-Layer Faraday Collector for Particle Energy Measurement ACI - Accelerator Control Interface FS-78 - Fast Beam Shutter HC80 - Beampath Helium Flow Controller ICI - Interlock Control Interface N2400 - 24x Pneumatic Actuator Controller VWIN - High-Performance Vacuum Windows for Particle Beamlines X32 - IECO Amplifier Interface F100 - Digital Electrometer with HV Power Supply F460 - 4 Channel Precision Electrometer with High Voltage FX4 - High-speed Quad-channel Precision Electrometer I128 - 128 Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I3200 - 32-Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I400 - 4 Channel Biased Input Charge Integrating Electrometer I404 - 4 Channel Charge Integrating Digital Electrometer IC101 - Precision Charge Integrator Electrometer Digital with High Voltage IX256 - 256-Channel Charge Integrating Electrometer with HV Power Supply C400 - 4-Channel High-speed Pulse Discriminator and Counter CM100 - Particle Therapy Control Console $730CP15 - DC-Coupled Pulse Pre-amplifier for Lanthanum Halide and Sodium Iodide Detectors $1,235CR10 - Spectroscopy Amplifier for Charge Sensitive Pulse Shaping D2-100-FC - AC High-speed Ferrite Core XY Trim Magnet D2-650-IE - High-speed Pencil Beam X/Y Scanning Magnet H20 - Dual Magnetic Field Probe System O1-500 - Octopole Compact Scanning Magnet for Particle Therapy $2,500T1 - Máy đo Công nghiệp Gauss và Đầu đo Từ trường tích hợp REST API A360 - Fiber-Optic Loop Controller A560 - Real-Time Loop Controller HVI-4 - Bias Voltage Interlock Unit M10 - 2x Analog 4x Digital GPIO M40 - 16x Analog 16x Digital GPIO Q580 - High Speed Real-Time Loop Controller $300TF1 - Bộ Chuyển Đổi TTL sang Quang Học Tự Cấp Điện X14 - 1:4 Fiber-Optic Trigger Fanout $490X22 - Bộ Chuyển Đổi Song Phương TTL sang Quang Học ACAB-USB-XX-RS232 - USB to RS232 Adapter Cable CAB-HD44 - Low Noise 44-way D-Sub Cables for Precise Ion Chamber Readout PD-8 - Eight Output 24V DC Power Supply Unit $60PSU24 - 24V DC Power Supply Pack RCK-X3 - 2U 19-Inch Rack Shelf for Up to 3 "X" Devices $85SK-DES - Ion Chamber Desiccant Replacement Pack $85TERM-64 - Multichannel Ionization Chamber Termination Block CM100 Validator - The CM100 Validator Tool is Used When Modifying the Configuration G1 Diagnostic - Monitor and Control G1 Devices G2 Diagnostic - Monitor and Control Devices IG2 - Configurable EPICS channel access server for G2 and G1 devices IGX - Modern Modular Control System Framework for Web-enabled Applications PBA - Analyze Beam Energy and Range PTCEpicsConnect - A tool for viewing EPICS channels A360 - Fiber-Optic Loop Controller A560 - Real-Time Loop Controller BC-145 - Large Faraday Cup Collector for Scanned Beam Particle Therapy QA BC-75 - Ly Faraday Lõi Rắn cho Hạt Có Sạc BPM16-38 - Máy Giám Sát Vị Trí Tia Gantry Tương Thích Với Phòng Ion Hóa Dạng Sọc CM100 - Particle Therapy Control Console D2-650-IE - High-speed Pencil Beam X/Y Scanning Magnet F100 - Digital Electrometer with HV Power Supply FS-78 - Fast Beam Shutter HVI-4 - Bias Voltage Interlock Unit I128 - 128 Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I3200 - 32-Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I400 - 4 Channel Biased Input Charge Integrating Electrometer I404 - 4 Channel Charge Integrating Digital Electrometer I6400 - 64 + 1 Channel Charge Integrator IC101 - Precision Charge Integrator Electrometer Digital with High Voltage IC128-25 - Máy Giám Sát Truyền Dải 128x128 với Buồng Ion và Mặt Phẳng Liều IC16-5 - 16x16 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC256-45 - 256 Strip QC Ion Chamber IC32-6 - 32x32 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC64-13 - 64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber IC64-16SG - 64 Strip Transmission Small Gap IC for Flash Therapy IC64-6 - 64x64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber MLFC-128 - Multi-Layer Faraday Collector for Particle Energy Measurement O1-500 - Octopole Compact Scanning Magnet for Particle Therapy PBA - Analyze Beam Energy and Range PD-8 - Eight Output 24V DC Power Supply Unit PX-2 - 120 Pixel Ion Chamber PX-3 - 120 Pixel Transmission Ion Chamber Q580 - High Speed Real-Time Loop Controller QIC-2S - Mini Quadrant Ion Chamber QIC-6E - Ultra-low WET Quadrant Transmission Ionization Chamber $2,500T1 - Máy đo Công nghiệp Gauss và Đầu đo Từ trường tích hợp REST API VWIN - High-Performance Vacuum Windows for Particle Beamlines A360 - Fiber-Optic Loop Controller A560 - Real-Time Loop Controller ACAB-USB-XX-RS232 - USB to RS232 Adapter Cable C400 - 4-Channel High-speed Pulse Discriminator and Counter $1,235CR10 - Spectroscopy Amplifier for Charge Sensitive Pulse Shaping F100 - Digital Electrometer with HV Power Supply F460 - 4 Channel Precision Electrometer with High Voltage H20 - Dual Magnetic Field Probe System HVI-4 - Bias Voltage Interlock Unit I3200 - 32-Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer I6400 - 64 + 1 Channel Charge Integrator M10 - 2x Analog 4x Digital GPIO M40 - 16x Analog 16x Digital GPIO N2400 - 24x Pneumatic Actuator Controller PD-8 - Eight Output 24V DC Power Supply Unit Q580 - High Speed Real-Time Loop Controller $2,500T1 - Máy đo Công nghiệp Gauss và Đầu đo Từ trường tích hợp REST API $300TF1 - Bộ Chuyển Đổi TTL sang Quang Học Tự Cấp Điện X14 - 1:4 Fiber-Optic Trigger Fanout $490X22 - Bộ Chuyển Đổi Song Phương TTL sang Quang Học A500 - Real-Time Loop Controller CP10 - Very Fast Pulse Spectroscopy Pre-amplifier F3200E - 32 Channel Fast Digital Electrometer H10 - Single Channel B and Bdot Probe I200 - 2x Charge Integrator I6400 - 64 + 1 Channel Charge Integrator