IC64-6 - 64x64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber

The IC64-6 is a brand-new transmission ionization chamber offering from Pyramid. It has been specifically designed to work in extreme beam currents. The new design came from the requirements of our FLASH research partners. So far, our partners have exposed this chamber to beams up to 800nA. Although our engineers expect the IC64-6 to handle even high currents. Contact us today to talk about your project.

Further Reading


  • 1mm integral plane gap, 3.3mm strip gap
  • High beam current density performance
  • < 200μm water equivalent thickness (WET)
  • 6.4cm x 6.4cm sensitive area with 1mm pitch strips
  • 3.2cm beamline insertion length
  • Standard 68-channel VHDCI Male connectors for strip readout
  • Standard DB9 Male connector for environment readout
  • 1.5kV maximum high voltage for minimal recombination


  • Measured by an I128S
  • FLASH particle therapy research
  • Pre-scan dosimetry in proton therapy
  • Beam monitoring in high precision beamlines
  • General high-energy ion beam diagnostics

Isocenter Diagnostics Equipment

Our isocenter equipment line expands the capabilities of medical and research institutions by catering to underserved applications and addressing intricate use cases. By providing modular and integrated solutions customized to meet each customer's distinct requirements, we enhance their overall experience and outcomes.

Combinations of detectors and electronics combine into pre-packaged experiments and QA tools. MLFC-128, BC-75, IC64-6, PX-3, F460, I128, and the IC-101 integrate to fit your specifications.

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